We received a call from a concerned mother reporting her husband who had repeatedly physically assaulted their 15-year-old daughter Rosa (not her real name). She went on to tell us that whenever she tried to intervene he would beat her too.
The beating got so severe that Rosa got injured and mama Rosa decided enough was enough and called the Helpline. She also managed to contact the police who called her to the station and gave her the PF3 she needed to get Rosa to the hospital. We immediately referred the case to an SWO in that region who promised to work on it promptly.
We made a follow-up soon after and Mama Rosa told us that the SWO together with the LGAs had visited her home and spoke to her husband, educated him, and warned him of the severity of his actions on his wife and child.
After much deliberations, they concluded he sign an agreement letter dictating what would happen to him if he reverted back to his former behavior.
A few weeks later we contacted mama Rosa again to check on her's and Rosa's progress. She informed us that Rosa was still on medication but was doing much better. Mama Rosa also updated us on her husband who has been abiding by their agreement and working towards rebuilding his relationship with Rosa.
There's no excuse for a child to suffer any kind of abuse, especially at the hands of a parent, someone she ought to feel safe with. Violence of any kind to a child or adult is not condoned and we will keep playing our part in spreading awareness and ensuring that all perpetrators of abuse are held accountable.
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