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#116Stories: Children should not live in fear of being beaten at school

C-Sema Team

A devastated mother called the helpline to report a teacher at the school where her son studies. She relayed to us that the teacher in question was forcing and coercing students into supporting his business especially standard three students. The harassment has reached a point where students no longer wish to go to school in fear of being beaten.

We referred this case to the Ward Social Work Officer who investigated the matter and proved its accuracy. A week later whilst following up, the ward SWO had a meeting with the Head master of the school, the Ward education committee and the entire staff.

The committee called the concerned teacher for questioning and finally the committee decided that since it was his first offence he would be given a warning letter and kept under supervision.

It was our hope that he understood the consequences of his actions and would not become a repeat offender.

Kwa maoni na ushauri tupigie simu namba 116 ambayo ni maalumu kwa huduma za mtoto nchini. Huduma hii haitozi malipo toka mitandao yote nchini. Vilevile unaweza kutupata kupitia ukurasa wetu wa Facebook: Sema Tanzania; Twitter: @SemaTanzania na

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