A father called the helpline reporting the headteacher of his child's school, the headteacher had been sending children back home to ask their parents for money to pay for exams and stationaries, which is something he was not supposed to do.
The case was reported to the Social Welfare Officer and the District Education Officer who began their investigation. They interviewed the students and discovered that the headteacher was in fact making his students return home if they did not come to school with the said stationery money.
The education officer made an appointment with the headteacher and informed him of the possible consequences of his actions. Any information concerning any kind of payment has, to be given directly to the parent and not the students.
The headteacher agreed and promised to stop the activity and make plans to speak to the parents directly concerning future exam payments.
It is unfortunate that some of the students missed important academic sessions when they were asked to return home. It is not something any educator should allow. We are hopeful that incidents like these are not repeated in the future.
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