KUWAZA Project Overview
KUWAZA (Kuzuia Udhalilishaji wa Watoto Zanzibar), meaning Prevention of Violence Against Children in Zanzibar, is a transformative three-year intervention funded by the Oak Foundation. Operating in the Unguja North region, specifically in districts North A and B, KUWAZA is a collaborative initiative between multiple organisations including C-Sema, Action Aid Tanzania, Pathfinder, and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). Now in its third phase, the project is centered on addressing Sexual Violence Against Children (SVAC) through advocacy, documentation, and sharing of project learnings with the wider community.
The primary beneficiaries of the KUWAZA project are the children of Zanzibar, while secondary beneficiaries include parents, religious and local leaders, teachers, Shehas and Shehia Women and Children’s Coordinators. By targeting various stakeholders, KUWAZA aims to create a protective environment for children and equip key actors with the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent SVAC.
In pursuit of its goal, KUWAZA has implemented a series of activities aimed at strengthening the referral system in Zanzibar. This involves training frontline service providers such as the Police, Gender and Children’s Desks, health workers, and Shehia committees on preventing SVAC through improved coordination. Additionally, the project updated the referral protocol and directory of child protection service providers in collaboration with government partners.
Community engagement plays a crucial role in the success of KUWAZA. Through interactive sessions, a number of community members have been reached and educated about SVAC and the National Child Helpline 116. Feedback from these engagements highlight the community's awareness of SVAC incidents and their willingness to support initiatives aimed at addressing them.
Social and mainstream media sessions are also utilized to amplify KUWAZA’s work and garner community support. Radio dialogues and social media engagement serve as platforms to capture community perspectives on SVAC prevalence in Zanzibar. Insights gleaned from these sessions inform on the project’s implementation, with suggestions from the community aligning closely with KUWAZA's objectives.
KUWAZA represents a concerted effort to prevent SVAC and create a safer environment for children in Zanzibar. Through collaborative partnerships, targeted interventions, and community engagement, the project endeavors to address the root causes of violence against children and pave the way for a brighter, safer future for the youth of Zanzibar.
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