Brave 13-year-old girl ‘Elimina’ ( not her real name) called the Helpline to report her father for negligence. Elimina informed us that her father had not been providing for her, starting from her basic needs to her school allowance and fees.
Because of this, she was a year behind at school. Elimina went on to say that her father claimed he wasn't financially capable, not believing her father she sought out our help.
Our helpline counselor referred the case to the Village Executive Officer (VEO) & District Social Work Officer who assured us that they would work on it as soon as possible. A couple of days later the DSWO called to notify us of the state of the investigation.
The committee which included the Ward Executive Officer (WEO) and VEO was able to confirm Elimina’s complaints and were in a position to confront her father. They contacted baba Elimina and made it clear that his duty as Elimina’s father was to ensure that all her needs were met and anything besides that would not be tolerated. He agreed and we assured them that we'd check in from time to hold him to his word.
A few months later Elimina called back delighted that she had access to all her needs. As a father and a parent, it is your responsibility to care for your children in all ways necessary, especially when they are wholly dependent on you to provide for them.
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